COVID-19 Response

During the unprecedented days of March – June 2020, we moved from on-campus operations to a full remote learning preschool program in a matter of days. Our teachers and staff quickly pivoted teaching styles and gathered technology to assist in maintaining our connection with the families of BHPP. The remote program featured daily Zoom calls with teachers, in both large and small groups as well as one-on-one Zoom calls with each child and their teachers. The preschool also offered weekly curriculum sent to parents as well as recorded teaching videos for asynchronous learning. And most importantly, we were able to continue our beloved Chapel program with online Chapel offered twice a week. It was nothing short of a Herculean effort, but we learned much from those early days, and we committed resources to strengthening our remote program, should it become necessary again in the future.

We returned to a modified program for the 2021-2022 school year with small class sizes, increased outdoor time, masking indoors, and heightened illness monitoring. The 2022-2023 school year brought back much of our “normal” for which we are so grateful. Our parents are back on campus in volunteer positions, our social and community building events are back, our Chapel program is back in-person twice weekly in our beautiful sanctuary, and masks are optional on our campus. We are overjoyed to hear laughter and learning echoing through our hallways once again.


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